Veebiseminar pildiraamatute kasutamisest

Wrocław Ülikool kutsub 13. detsembril veebipõhisele koolitusele "Miks me loeme neid raamatuid ikka ja jälle: pildiraamatute semiootiline mudel" algusega 18:00 Varssavi aja järgi TEAMSi keskkonnas.

Registreerumine 11. detsembrini aadressil:

Eelmistest sarnastest kohtumistest on videosalvestused leitavad aadressil: 

Vaata ka Eesti Lugemisühingu koolitusi:


Dear Colleagues,   


On behalf of The Centre for Research on Children’s and Young Adult Literature at the University of Wrocław, we would like to invite you to the next talk in the “International Voices in Children’s Literature Studies” series. This time our guest will be Smiljana Narančić Kovač, who will deliver a lecture titled “Why We Always Read Them Again and Other Related Issues: a Semiotic Model of the Picturebook.” 


The lecture will be held on December 13, 2023, at 6 p.m. Warsaw time (TEAMS).

If you are interested in taking part in the lecture, please contact us by email by December 11 at the following address:

For more information, please see the attached poster.   



The video recordings of the previous lectures are available here: